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Old Dominion Advising Network

Old Dominion Advising Network (ODAN) provides professional development opportunities to campus constituencies involved in all aspects of advising through the exchange of ideas, best practices, and latest trends. Membership is open to the entire campus community including all faculty, staff, and graduate students, including those in non-traditional advising roles. ODAN is an official allied member of the NACADA The Global Community for Academic Advising.

Annual Membership Eligibility and Dues

ODAN Membership is open to all ODU faculty, staff, and graduate students.

Membership Dues:

  • $25 for faculty/staff
  • $15 for graduate students

ODAN Membership includes access to all organization events.

Payment Options

Pay by cash or check

Send your dues payment to the ODAN Treasurer:

  • Kelsey Whitlow, ODAN Treasurer, 1500 Webb Center.
  • Please notify the Treasurer by email if you are sending payment via campus mail at kwhitlow@wxzjnt.com.
  • Checks should be made payable to ODAN.

ODAN Executive Board

Chair Christine Woods
Kelsey Whitlow
Anna Lacy
Past Chair
Andy Grizzard
Advisor Cat Moss
Member-at-Large Kerri Musick
Member-at-Large Vinecia Bunch
Member-at-Large Emma Kearley
Member-at-Large Sierra Garrett
Chair Andy Grizzard
Kelsey Whitlow
Christine Woods
Programs Chair
Kristen Haben
Past Chair Akeyla Porcher
Advisor & NACADA Rep
Cat Moss
Member-at-Large Pam Beatty
Member-at-Large Anna Lacy
Chair Akeyla Reid
Chair-Elect Andy Grizzard
Brittani Garcia
Kermitra Tweedy
Programs Chair
Chris Yost
Advisor & NACADA Rep
Cat Moss
Member-at-Large Ciera Harris
Member-at-Large Staci Kohen
Member-at-Large Pam Beatty
Member-at-Large Kerri Svoboda-Musick
Chair Matt Hart
Chair-Elect Courtney Hill
Brittani Garcia
Andy Grizzard
Programs Chair
Cynthia Meca
Past Co-Chair Jacob Tousignaut
Advisor & NACADA Rep
Cat Moss
Members-at-Large, Programming Standing Committee Katie Ferrara
Members-at-Large, Programming Standing Committee Kerri Musick
Members-at-Large, Technology Standing Committee Pam Beatty
Members-at-Large, Communication Standing Committee
Virginia Formella
Chair Jacob Tousignaut
Chair-Elect Tanisha Bradley
Latia Allen
Jessica McGee
Programs Chair
Kara Boone
Past Co-Chair Morgan Morrison
Past Co-Chair & Advisor
Cat Moss
Members-at-Large Pamela Beatty
Members-at-Large Matt Hart
Members-at-Large Yalana Orr
Co-Chair Cat Moss
Co-Chair Morgan Morrison
Communications and Events Chair
Marissa Pettinelli
Record Keeping Chair
Akeyla Reid
Assessment Chair
Lenora Thorbjornsen
Technology and Media Chair Tanisha Bradley
Past Co-Chair Pam Beatty
Faculty & Graduate Student Liaison Jacob Tousignaut
Regional Higher Education Centers Liaison Anna Makhorkina
Professional Training Liaison Liaison Christine Ricks
Co-Chair Pamela Beatty
Co-Chair Brittany Shearer
Communications and Events Chair
Marissa Pettinelli
Record Keeping Chair
Maria Doran
Assessment Chair
Akeyla Reid
Technology and Media Chair Andy Grizzard
Past Co-Chair Lenora Thorbjornsen
Past Co-Chair Adam Hanson
Distance Learning Liaison Terri Wheaton
SEES Liaison Summer Steelman
NACADA Liaison Tania Alvarez
Website Liaison Cat Moss
Co-Chair Lenora Thorbjornsen
Co-Chair Adam Hanson
Communications and Events Chair & Past Co-Chair
Keith Krepcho
Record Keeping Chair
Stacey Parks
Assessment Chair & Website Liaison
Cat Moss
Technology and Media Chair Courtney Hill
Distance Learning Liaison Pamela Beatty
NACADA Liaison Tania Alvarez
Co-Chair Keith Krepcho
Co-Chair Sherri Watson
Communications and Events Chair
Beth Truax Armstrong
Record Keeping Chair
Katie Ferrara
Assessment Chair
Daniela Cigularova
Technology and Media Chair Jennifer Usis
Past Co-Chair Tania Alvarez
Past Co-Chair Adrienne Giles
NACADA Liaison Jose Ramos
Distance Learning Liaison Pamela Beatty
Student Affairs Liaison Tiffany Wiggins
Website Liaison Cat Moss
Co-Chair Tania Alvarez
Co-Chair Adrienne Giles
Communications and Events Chair
Beth Armstrong
Record Keeping Chair
Keith Krepcho
Assessment Chair
Daniela Cigularova
Technology and Media Chair Jennifer Usis
Past Co-Chair Katie Ferrera
Past Co-Chair Mirta Williams
Distance Learning Liaison Marena Hill-Bartos
Professional Development Liaison Cat Moss
Co-Chair Katie Ferrara
Co-Chair Mirta Williams
Communications and Events Chair
Jeb Midyette
Record Keeping Chair
Adrienne Giles
Assessment Chair
Daniela Ciqularova
Technology and Media Chair Jennifer Usis
Past Co-Chair Leanne White
Past Co-Chair Cat Moss
Distance Learning Liaison Doug Brown
Student Engagement & Enrollment Services Liaison Liz Boyd
Co-Chair Cat Moss
Co-Chair Leanne White
Communications Chair
Christine Ricks
Member and Budget Chair
Jennifer Usis
Katie Ferrara
Distance Learning Liaison Rob Curry
Graduate Student Liaison Adrienne Giles
Past Co-Chair Kim Herbert
Past Co-Chair Jennifer Younkin
Co-Chair Kim Herbert
Co-Chair Jennifer Younkin
Communications Chair
Brooke Brown
Member and Budget Chair
Jennifer Usis
Leanne White
Distance Learning Liaison Ann Marie Kopitzke
Learning Commons Liaisons Nola Nichols & Arminda Israel
Student Affairs Liaison Crystal Anderson
Residence Life Liaison Katie Tucker
Faculty Senate Liaison Lisa Hall
Legislative Issues Liaison
Tania Alvarez
Past Chair & Graduate Student Liaison Morgan Morrison
Article I -

Section 1

The name of this Association shall be the Old Dominion Advising Network (ODAN), hereinafter referred to as the Association.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1

The general purpose of this Association shall be to provide professional development opportunities to campus constituencies involved in all aspects of advising through the exchange of ideas, best practices, and latest trends.

Section 2

The Association shall serve as an allied member of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising.

Article III - Membership

Section 1

Membership in this Association shall be open to all faculty, staff, and graduate students, including those in non-traditional advising roles, at Old Dominion University.

Section 2

Membership shall be established by submission of an annual membership form and payment of annual dues.

Section 3

Membership shall run June 1-May 31.

Article IV -
Governing Structure

Section 1

The elected officers of this Association shall be Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Programs Chair.

Section 2

The elected officers shall serve a one-year term which shall begin in June and run through the end of the following May (June 1 - May 31). There are no term limits to be reelected, as long as the election process is followed.

Section 3

The Executive Board shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Programs Chair, and Members-at-Large of all standing committees not to exceed 15 people. Executive Board members may only hold one office per term.

Section 4

The Executive Board shall conduct, manage, and control the business of this Association during the periods between the meetings of the Association.

Section 5

The Executive Board shall meet regularly at a time to be determined by the committee at its first meeting following annual elections. Other meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the Chair or at the request of a simple majority of the Executive Board membership. The Executive Board shall approve all committee memberships.

Article V -
Duties of the Executive Board

Section 1

It shall be the duty of the Chair to provide leadership and direction in support of the Association's mission. The Chair shall preside at all business meetings and prepare agendas in consultation with members of the Executive Board. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and responsible for the Association budget. The Chair trains and works collaboratively with the Chair-Elect to share responsibilities in leading the Association. The Chair will remain on the Executive Board a second year as Past-Chair. If an Executive Board position becomes vacant, the Chair may appoint a member-at-large to fill that position. The Chair reserves rooms for meetings and other events as needed.

Section 2

The Chair-Elect shall collaborate with the Chair to share responsibilities in leading the Association, including assisting with meeting agendas and presiding over meetings in preparation for the transition to the Chair role in the following year. The Chair-Elect shall chair the Technology standing committee and provide updates to the Executive Board. The Chair-Elect assumes the position of Chair if the Chair position becomes vacant. The Chair-Elect will remain on the Executive Board a second year as Chair, and a third year as Past-Chair..

Section 3

The Past Chair shall provide guidance to the Chair and Chair-Elect on matters relating to the leadership of the Association. The Past Chair shall serve as a member on at least one standing committee.

Section 4

The Secretary shall record accurate minutes and attendance of all Association meetings and programs, saving records in the shared electronic drive for the Association within a timely manner. The Secretary shall chair the Communication standing committee and provide updates to the Executive Board.

Section 5

The Treasurer shall oversee the security of the Association bank account and materials. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual Association budget in consultation with the Executive Board and provide regular budget updates at Executive Board meetings throughout the year. The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate record of expenditures and membership dues; including keeping a database of paid members. The Treasurer shall serve on related standing committees.

Section 6

The Programs Chair shall assist with the planning of Association events under the guidance of the Chair. The Programs Chair shall provide coordination of all logistics for Association events to include securing locations, developing advertising materials, and identifying any merchandise and/or food to be ordered. The Programs Chair shall chair the Programming standing committee and provide updates to the Executive Board.

Section 7

Members-at-Large shall be volunteer positions that serve on designated standing committees and the Executive Board. Members-at-Large can be asked to fill open positions on the Executive Board by the Chair.

Article VI - Elections

Section 1

The Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Programs Chair of this Association shall be elected by a majority by all members of the Association. Election shall be determined by plurality of votes cast.

Section 2

Members seeking a position on the Executive Board for the first time must have actively participated in Association events or initiatives in the year prior to the start of the term. Members seeking re-election to the Executive Board must have attended a majority of the Executive Board meetings during the previous year.

Section 3

Members seeking an elected position will submit a platform statement, current role at ODU, and summary of involvement with the Association for distribution to membership.

Section 4

A confidential, electronic vote will be sent to current members of the Association to cast their ballot. The voting process, counting and tallying of the ballots, and announcement of the winners will be presided over by the Chair and Chair-Elect. The election process timeline shall be as follows: Nominations solicited in mid-April. Voting held in early-May. Results finalized in mid-May. Newly elected board members take office by June 1.

Section 5

If an Executive Board position becomes vacant other than Chair, a member-at-large or the Past-Chair may be appointed to fill that position by the Chair. If the Chair position becomes vacant, the Chair-Elect becomes Chair. If the Past-Chair position becomes vacant, it will remain open.

Article VII - Committees

Section 1

The Association may include the following standing Committees: Technology, Communication, and Programming.

Section 2

The elected officers shall chair their designated committee and throughout their term attend relevant meetings, be a point of contact, and report back at Association meetings. They may delegate duties and responsibilities of the Committee including creation of organizational structure to support Committee work as necessary.

Section 3

The Technology standing committee will be chaired by the Association Chair-Elect. The purpose of the Technology standing committee is to assist in securing any technology needs for Association events including coordinating with appropriate campus offices for any media needs or WebEx support. This committee will review the Association website to keep it updated with correct content, links, and past event recordings.

Section 4

The Communication standing committee will be chaired by the Association Secretary. The purpose of the Communication standing committee is to ensure accurate and timely distribution of information to Association membership. The committee shall oversee the development of an advisor newsletter, ensure assessment of Association events, and archive information and materials for future reference in the Association shared drive.

Section 5

The Programming standing committee will be chaired by the Association Programs Chair. The purpose of the Programming standing committee is to assist in planning programs in support of the Association's mission of providing advising professional development opportunities to include coordinating event logistics and publicity. This committee shall partner closely with the Association Chair, Treasurer, and Communication standing committee.

Section 6

Any Association member can petition the Chair for creation or removal of a committee. Petitions will be presented to the Executive Board for approval. If approved by a majority vote, bylaws will be amended in line with petition.

Article VIII - Fiscal Matters

Section 1

The fiscal year of this Association shall be from June 1 to May 31.

Section 2

The dues of this Association shall be recommended by the Executive Board and voted on at a meeting open to all Association members. Approval of dues will require a majority vote of members present at that meeting.

Section 3

Annual income and expense budgets shall be drafted by the Treasurer in consultation with the Chair, and submitted to the Executive Board for formal approval at its first meeting of the fiscal year.

Section 4

Income and expense reports shall be drafted by the Treasurer and submitted to the Executive Board for its formal approval at monthly meetings.

Article IX - Meetings and Events Section 1

The Association's annual activities shall consist of a minimum of one social event, three professional development events (e.g., advising conference, workshops, lunch and learn meetings), and an election open to all Association members.
Article X - Amendments

Section 1

Except as is provided in Section 2 below, amendments to the By-Laws may be acted upon only at a meeting of the Executive Board. An amendment may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board present.

Section 2

If, in the judgment of the Executive Board, action upon a proposed amendment is desirable before the next business meeting, it may be taken through email following presentation of the amendment to all members of the Executive Board. If two-thirds of the Executive Board vote affirmatively, the amendment shall be adopted.

Section 3

These By-Laws and any amendments thereto become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the Executive Board, as specified in Article XII, Section 1 and 2.

ODAN Fall Conferences

2023 ODAN Conference - Tuesday October 10

ODAN Advising conference logo 2023

Monarchs Unite: Building Connections for the Future

The Old Dominion Advising Network (ODAN) is excited to host the 11th fall advising conference! Join us at the conference to exchange ideas, learn about innovative practices, network with colleagues, and more. This is a hybrid event. Registration is open to any faculty, staff, or graduate students within the ODU community.

Learn about the 2023 conference

2020 ODAN Virtual Conference - Friday October 9

Not All Superheroes Wear Capes, Some Advise!

Time Session
8:30-9:00 AM Virtual Coffee and Networking
9:00-9:15 AM Welcome by ODAN Chair Matt Hart and Chair-Elect Courtney Hill
9:20-10:20 AM

Concurrent Sessions I

  1. Be Your Own Superhero: Prioritizing Your Own Professional Development
  2. Activate the Power of Collaboration Within your Program and Beyond
  3. Promoting Positive Identity Development in Higher Education
10:20-10:30 AM Break
10:30-11:30 AM

Concurrent Sessions II

  1. Supreme Court to Supreme Advising: Lessons from the Notorious RBG
  2. Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Students in Higher Education (Roundtable Discussion)
  3. Up, Up, and Away! Taking Flight to a Successful Approach in Intake, Pre-Advising, and Advising in online education with ODUOnline
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Closing Session

  • Closing remarks by Daniela Cigularova
  • Master Advisor certificates presented by Christine Ricks
  • Best In Show presented by Andy Grizzard
  • Thank you and raffle prizes by Matt Hart and Courtney Hill

Concurrent Session Presenters and Abstracts

Session 1: 9:20-10:20 AM

Be Your Own Superhero: Prioritizing Your Own Professional Development

Jenna Rowlands, Career Development Services

More than ever now is the time to be your own superhero and to start prioritizing your own professional development. We will review ideas and actions you can take to advance your own skillset and knowledge areas with particular attention made to methods that are cost-effective. We will discuss key parts of professional development and how you can contribute and engage for the job you want. We will work together to define your future career path and give you the confidence you need to succeed.

Activate the Power of Collaboration Within your Program and Beyond

Daniela Cigularova, Transfer Initiatives, Brian Payne, Academic Affairs, and Tania Alvarez, Transfer Initiatives

Increasing enrollment pressures and changing student populations call for collaborations among 2-year and 4-year institutions to develop and implement innovative transfer pathways that connect students across institutional divides. Join us for an overview of the process of developing transfer pathways and strategies to build bridges in a model with cybersecurity education that can be applied to other programs/majors. This session will demonstrate strategic initiatives involving faculty, professional advisors, peer mentors, industry and administration that facilitate the success of transfer students at ODU. You will learn about findings from a case study of cybersecurity transfer pathway agreements, value of partnerships, grant opportunities, and extensive review of the literature on articulation agreements.

Promoting Positive Identity Development in Higher Education

Alan Meca, Department of Psychology

Identity has been increasingly highlighted as a key developmental milestone. Indeed, research has found that identity serves as an anchor during periods of uncertainty and life challenges (Meca et al., 2020) and is associated with positive functioning across the lifespan (Crocetti et al., 2014; Schwartz et al., 2015; Sneed et al., 2012). Unsurprisingly, identity is at the heart of several models of academic advising (e.g., Chickering's psychosocial model; developmental and appreciative advising). Drawing on the broader identity literature, the current session will provide an overview of contemporary models of identity development and provide guidance based on identity theory on ways in which advisors can promote positive identity development in the hopes of building new avenues for promoting college student success (theory-to-practice) which may inspire refinements in existing identity theory (practice-to-theory).

Session 2: 10:30-11:30 AM

Supreme Court to Supreme Advising: Lessons from the Notorious RBG

Brittani Garcia, College of Health Sciences Advising and Kerri Musick, College of Sciences Advising

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's life was iconic. During this presentation we will discuss various life experiences and lessons she learned along the way. These lessons are valuable for students to hear and can be applied to your academic advising philosophy. We will use quotes, audio clips, and videos of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to illustrate these lessons including practicing and promoting resilience, caring for others, effective communication, and self-care. Join us as we celebrate a life well-lived and continue the Notorious RBG Legacy.

Supporting Pregnant and Parenting Students in Higher Education (Roundtable Discussion)

Stephanie Fahey, School of Nursing

More than a quarter of undergraduate students are raising children and many other students will become pregnant during the course of their college education. Pregnant and parenting students live in unique circumstances and struggles while attempting to complete their educational goals. This presentation will introduce those circumstances and struggles and will also share ideas on how to best support these students through advising. The presenter will share ideas about advising best practices based on research with the group but will also ask the participants to provide ideas to enhance advising and administrative support for this subset of students as well as to share past and present experiences to help other advisors and administrators support student success among this student population.

Up, Up, and Away! Taking Flight to a Successful Approach in Intake, Pre-Advising, and Advising in online education with ODUOnline

Matthew Hart, Jennifer Hudson, Daphne Bell, Liza King, and Amanda Haywood, ODUOnline College of Sciences Team

This session will explore a funnel process for intake, pre-advising, and advising throughout the "academic lifespan" of an online student. Best practices for success from initial student contact through enrollment and graduation will be discussed. The purpose is to provide practical and efficient practices that can be used by intake, pre-advising, and academic advising functions that will contribute to enrollment, retention rates, as well as student overall academic success. Working with students is an ever-evolving process that requires skills and techniques that are aimed at increased enrollment, student academic success, and higher retention rates. This session will provide attendees with practical information and practices that can be applied in their daily processes.

View the ODAN Conference Keynote and WebEx Sessions from October 3, 2019

2019 ODAN Conference Schedule - Thursday, October 3

Sandcastles, Riptides, and Sandy Waters: Creating a Legacy for Student Success

9:00-9:30 am
Registration and Morning Refreshments Hampton/Newport News
9:30-9:45 am

Jacob Tousignaut & Tanisha Bradley, 2019-20 ODAN Chair and Chair-Elect

9:50-10:50 am CONCURRENT SESSION 1
I Forgot Why I Chose This Profession
Katie Ferrara
Executive Dining Room & WebEx
Turn Around Don't Drown: Navigating Your Storm Using Technology and Mindfulness
Kara Boone & Marissa Pettinelli
Potomac/York River & WebEx
The Online Option: Supporting Monarch Success
Morgan Morrison, Pam Beatty, Doug Brown, Matt Hart, & Yalana Orr
James/Lynnhaven River
10:50-11:00 am Break
11:00-12:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION 2
Advising Tips For Neurodiverse Populations
Beth Ann Dickie
Executive Dining Room & WebEx
They Are Here, Generation Z, The New Kids On Campus: Are Academic Advisors Ready For This New Generation of Students?
Jose Ramos
Potomac/York River & WebEx
Safety in Numbers? The Potential and Pitfalls of Athletic Academic Centers for Male Student-Athletes
Ron Moses
James/Lynnhaven River
12:00-1:05 pm Lunch and Keynote Address

Introduction: TBA

Keynote Speaker: Sandy Waters, Executive Director, Center for Advising Administration & Academic Partnerships

Hampton/Newport News Room
1:05-1:15 pm Break
1:15-2:15 pm


Partnering With Housing & Residence Life: Building Sandcastles In The Sky
Dan Zimmerman & Brittany Blount
Executive Dining Room & WebEx
Surviving Treacherous Waters Without Swimming Lessons: Strategies to Help Students Succeed in Challenging Courses Using a Success Coaching Perspective
Andy Grizzard
Potomac/York River & WebEx
2:15-2:45 pm

Master Advisor Program Recognition
Christine Ricks, Director of Advisor Support and Completion Initiatives

Closing Remarks
Jacob Tousignaut & Tanisha Bradley, 2019-20 ODAN Chair and Chair-Elect

Hampton/Newport News


2018 ODAN Conference Schedule - Friday, October 12

Advisors as Architects: Designing Blueprints for Success

9:00-9:30 am
Registration and Breakfast Hampton/Newport News
9:30-9:45 am

Cat Moss & Morgan Morrison, 2018-19 ODAN Co-Chairs

9:50-10:50 am CONCURRENT SESSION 1
TBA - Major Selection
Katie Ferrara, Akeyla Reid, & Leanne White
Executive Dining Room & WebEx
TBA - Success Coaching
Sherri Watson, Kimberly Oakes, Allison Tollett, & Rachael Evans
Potomac/York River & WebEx
TBA - Housing
Pachia Martin & Dan Zimmerman
James/Lynnhaven River
10:50-11:00 am Break
11:00-12:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION 2
Peer Academic Coaches: An Advisors add-on Option
Taia Reid
Executive Dining Room & WebEx
Intentionality by Design: Integrative Learning through ePortfolios
Megan Mize
Potomac/York River & WebEx
TBA -Transfer Centers
Anna Makhorkina
James/Lynnhaven River
12:00 -12:45 pm Lunch

Hampton/Newport News Room
12:45 -1:20 pm

Keynote Address

Dr. Brian Payne, Introduction

Dr. Robert Wojtowicz, Keynote Speaker

1:20-1:30 pm Break
1:30-2:30 pm


Connecting Majors to Careers
Jenna Rowlands
Executive Dining Room & WebEx
Emotional Intelligence
Ryan Klinger
Potomac/York River & WebEx
College Succes: An Equity Program Utilizing Athletic Academic Advising Principles
Kristin Eden & Ragean Hill
2:30-3:00 pm

Master Advisor Program Recognition
Christine Ricks

Closing Remarks & Giveaways
Cat Moss & Morgan Morrison, 2018-19 ODAN Co-Chairs

Hampton/Newport News

Time 2017 ODAN Conference Schedule
Agents of Change: Advising for Student Development Beyond the Classroom
9:00-9:30 am
Registration and Breakfast Hampton/Newport News
9:30-10:00 am

Pamela Beatty & Brittany Shearer, 2017-18 ODAN Co-Chairs

Sandy Waters, Executive Director of the Center for Advising Administration and Academic Partnerships

10:15-11:00 am CONCURRENT SESSION 1
Career Advising: Tools for Advising Students for Their Work Lives
Sandy Waters & Beverly Forbes
President's Dining Room & WebEx
Off-Campus Commuter Students: Referring Students to the Appropriate Resources for Success
Abby Kindervater & Courtney Cunningham
James/Lynnhaven River
Cracking the Code: Investigating Adult Learners on Campus
Beth Truax Armstrong
Potomac/York River
11:00-11:15 am Break
11:15-12:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION 2
Wanted - Cybersecurity Agents: Meeting Future Workforce Needs through ODU's Cybersecurity Degree Programs
John Costanzo & Lenora Thorbjornsen
President's Dining Room & WebEx
Online and Inline
Terri Wheaton & Morgan Morrison
James/Lynnhaven River
Designing a Calculus I Course for High Risk Students
Robert Strozak
Potomac/York River
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Lunch Keynote Address

Senator Lynwood Lewis, Keynote Speaker

Hampton/Newport News Room
1:30-1:45 pm Break
1:45-2:30 pm


Ensuring Your International Students Succeed at ODU and Beyond
Degi Betcher & Kasie Reyes
President's Dining Room & WebEx
Advising Through Adversity
Denisse Thillet & Samantha Palmucci
James/Lynnhaven River
Operation Nutty Professor: Decoding Student-Faculty Engagement
Andy Grizzard & Janice Hawkins
Potomac/York River
2:30-3:00 pm Certificates and Closing Remarks
Pamela Beatty & Brittany Shearer, 2017-18 ODAN Co-Chairs

Hampton/Newport News

Time 2016 ODAN Conference Schedule
Advising Comm-Con: Applying Sensible Communication On Campus
9:00-9:30 am
Registration and Breakfast Hampton/Newport News
9:30-10:00 am Welcome
Lenora Thorbjornsen and Adam Hanson, 2016-17 ODAN Co-Chairs
10:15-11:00 am CONCURRENT SESSION 1
Minecraft Multiplayer Mode: Getting out of the Murky Middle
Akeyla Reid & Adrienne Giles
Potomac/York River & WebEx
Our Powers Combined: Service Learning and Advising
Beth Truax Armstrong & Emily Eddins
James/Lynnhaven River
"Yes And" Advising: Improv Tips for Communication
Brittany Shearer
President's Dining Room
11:00-11:15 am Break
11:15-12:00 pm CONCURRENT SESSION 2
Bridging the Gap between Multiple Universes: Advising & Counseling
Beth Truax Armstrong & Nicole Moriarty
Potomac/York River & WebEx
Student Success Collaborative
Guest speaker from SSC Campus
James/Lynnhaven River
Commuter Connectivity: Enhancing the Monarch Experience
John Costanzo, Nakia Madry-Smith, Anna Makhorkina, Roberto Westbrook, & Sharon Conaway
President's Dining Room
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Lunch and Keynote on Advising Communication
Sandy Waters, Executive Director of Advising and Transfer Programs and Justin Mclawhorn, SGA Director of Administrative Affairs

Hampton/Newport News Room
1:30-1:45 pm Break
1:45-2:30 pm


Transformers: Optimal & Prime Communication for the Transfer Student
Daniela Cigularova, Akeyla Reid, & Beth Truax Armstrong
Potomac/York River & WebEx
Practical Connections: The Success Coaching Approach
Kimberly Oakes, Allison Tollett, Katie Anderson, Laura Nazario, LaShay McQueen, & Maria Doran
James/Lynnhaven River
Break-Out Sessions: Sensible Advising Communication
Keith Krepcho and Adam Hanson
President's Dining Room
2:30-3:15 pm Closing Remarks and Prize Giveaways
Lenora Thorbjornsen and Adam Hanson, 2016-17 ODAN Co-Chairs

Hampton/Newport News

NACADA 2015 Virginia State Drive-In

Exploring Transitions: Advising for the Future

Hosted by Old Dominion University on Friday, September 25, 2015

Learn more about NACADA State Drive-ins here.

About the Conference

Old Dominion University is excited to host the NACADA Virginia State Drive-In Conference for 2015! For this year's drive-in we chose the theme, "Exploring Transitions: Advising for the Future." With such a large number of Virginia students attending community college before transferring to a four-year university, focusing on the needs of this transient population is essential. While this population is important, when thinking of "transitions" in a higher education setting there are more groups represented than just "transfer students." Each student at every campus is transitioning. Whether students are transitioning from high school to college, community college to university, full-time military to full-time student, or business major to education major. As students change, we as advisors need to adapt to best assist each student through his or her transition.

Directions and Parking

The Drive-In will be held on the Old Dominion University campus in Webb Center.

Parking for the conference will be located in Garage E on the corner of 49th Street and Bluestone Avenue. There will be a specialty event sign located outside the garage. You may park in any space that is not reserved or metered.

Handicap parking is available in Garage E for those who need it. No additional parking decal is needed for handicap parking spaces.

Directions to ODU campus.

Lodging on ODU Campus

SpringHill Suites Norfolk, 4500 Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23508, (757) 423-4100

Time NACADA Virginia State Drive-In Conference Schedule
8:00-8:45 am
Registration and Breakfast Hampton/Newport News
8:45-9:00 am Welcome
Sherri Watson, Keith Krepcho, and Jose Ramos, State Drive-In Co-Chairs
Sandy Waters, NACADA Board Member
Karen Watson, Virginia State Representative
9:00-10:00 am CONCURRENT SESSION 1
Advising Adult Learners, Multicultural Concerns
Kristal Kinloch, Darla Paul-Dixon, Tunisha George-Twine, and Denisse Thillet
Hampton University
Potomac/York River
Transforming Transfer: Enriching First Semester Transfer Experiences
Lenora Jennings, Old Dominion University
Erin Flinchum, Tidewater Community College
Cape Charles/Isle of Wight
Don't Let History Repeat Itself! How Learning from the Past Can Promote Future Student Success
Leanne White, Erin Colwell, and Katie Ferrara
Old Dominion University
Virginia Beach/Portsmouth
10:00-10:15 am Break
10:15-11:15 am CONCURRENT SESSION 2
I Have Been Accepted; What Now?
Kimberly Smith, Virginia Tech
James/Lynnhaven River
Building Advising Bridges to Support Student Transitions
Krystal Dains, George Mason University
Potomac/York River
Starting Off Strong: Helping Adult Learners Thrive During the First Year in Online Education
Zachary Woolard, Liberty University Online
Cape Charles/Isle of Wight
Academic Engagement and the First Year African American College Student: The Role of Intrusive Advising
Chimene Boone, Reynolds Community College
Virginia Beach/Portsmouth
11:15 am - 1:00 pm Lunch and Keynote Address
Welcome: President John Broderick, Old Dominion University
Keynote Address: Dr. Lonnie Schaffer, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Thomas Nelson Community College
Hampton/Newport News Room
Grammer Goofs and You...or Grammar, Goofs, and You?
Anna Hawthorne, Virginia Tech
James/Lynnhaven River
Covering It All in One Advising Session
Catherine Wright, George Mason University
Potomac/York River
Assisting the "Undeclared Students" on the pathway to success
Smriti Kansal, George Mason University
Cape Charles/Isle of Wight
Military Affiliated Students: Your Role in their Success and Transition
Daniela Cigularova, Old Dominion University
Tiffany Putman, Tidewater Community College
Teresa Dees, Tidewater Community College
William Brown, Old Dominion University
Cassandra Harris, Tidewater Community College
Virginia Beach/Portsmouth
2:15-2:30 pm Break
Want to Hangout?: Using Google+ Hangouts to Engage Non-Traditional Transfer Students
Stevara Johnson, Virginia Commonwealth University
James/Lynnhaven River
Setting the Tone: How Technology Can Improve the Orientation Advising Experience
Ben Plache and Mary Crawford
Virginia Commonwealth University
Potomac/York River
Round Table Discussion: Exploring Transitions in Advising
Keith Krepcho, Old Dominion University

Hampton/Newport News

3:30-4:30 pm Closing Remarks and Prize Giveaways
Karen Watson, Virginia State Representative
Sherri Watson, Keith Krepcho, and Jose Ramos, State Drive-In Co-Chairs

Hampton/Newport News

ODAN Advising Conference, COUNTDOWN TO SUCCESS, October 30, 2014
Time Conference Schedule & Session Information
8:30 am
Check-In Hampton/Newport News
9:15 am Welcome: Preview Orientation
Adrienne Giles and Tania Alvarez, 2014-15 ODAN Chairs
9:30 am Morning Opening Remarks
Dr. Payne
9:45 am Break
10:00 am CONCURRENT SESSION: Freshman Year (Choose One)
E-portfolios: Aiding in a Student's Success
Jennifer Younkin, Brian Kurisky, David Metzger, Deri Draper,
Megan Mize, & Shelley Rodrigo
Potomac River Room
Academic Advising as a critical factor in retention
G.W. Thompson and Jose E. Ramos
James River Room
The Advisor's Toolkit - new online resources for student success
Sandy Waters and Brian Paynes
President's Dining Room
11:00 am Break
11:15 am CONCURRENT SESSION: Sophomore Year (Choose One)
Online Graduation/Commencement Process
Mary Swartz and Michael Moore
Potomac River Room
From Parallel Planning to Finish in 4
Leanne White, Katie Ferrara, and Janice Hawkins
James River Room
Understanding the Housing & Residence Life Residential Curriculum
Mike Lawson, Leaon McClinton, and Chuck Crawford
President's Dining Room
12:15 pm Lunch and Afternoon KEYNOTE ADDRESS:
Dr. Tom Grites
Founding member of NACADA
Guest Speaker: President John R. Broderick

Hampton/Newport News Room
2:00 pm
2:15 pm CONCURRENT SESSION: Junior Year (Choose One)
Mentoring...The Key to Success
Denisse Thillet and Sherri Watson
Potomac River Room
Self-Advocacy for College Students (Transition from College
to Graduate School)

Jennifer Uwanaka, Danielle Walker and Ellissia Hill
James River Room
Advising Students: Challenges and Strategies
Tom Grites
President's Dining Room
3:15 pm Break
3:30 pm Senior Year and Commencement!
Wrap-up and raffles! Hampton/Newport News


Conference Schedule & Session Information Location
8:30 am
9:00 am Welcome and Opening Remarks
Katie Ferrara and Mirta Williams, 2013-2014 ODAN Co-Chairs


Newport News

9:15 am Morning KEYNOTE ADDRESS
Dr. Ed Gomez
Associate Professor, Human Movement Sciences, 2013 NACADA National Outstanding Faculty Advisor


Newport News

9:45 am Break
10:00 am CONCURRENT SESSION 1 (Choose one)
The Completion Agenda: Advising Strategies to Increase Retention Rates and Degree Attainment
Jose Ramos, Sandy Waters, G.W. Thompson, Vicki Bonner, Jane Dane
Current Programs in Nursing Education
Karen Karlowicz, Janice Hawkins
The Living Learning Community and Academic Success
Leon McClinton, Neudy Nunez

Virginia Beach

11:00 am Break
11:15 am CONCURRENT SESSION 2 (Choose one)

Advising Non-Traditional Transfer Students from Recruitment to Graduation
Marena Hill-Bartos, David McMillan, Nancy Rudolph, Elaine Ward

ODU's Undergraduate Research Program: Working Toward Greater Retention, Better Performance and Sustained Intellectual Growth
Dr. Poornima Madhavan


New Online Advising Tools
Sandy Waters, Mary Swartz
Virginia Beach
12:15 pm

Lunch and Afternoon KEYNOTE ADDRESS

Dr. Brian Payne
Vice Provost for Graduate and Undergraduate Academic Programs



1:15 pm Break
1:30 pm CONCURRENT SESSION 3 (Choose one)
Addressing Military Connected Student Concerns
Kathleen Levingston
Study Abroad: Success Stories from ODU Students
Steve Bell, Beth Parker
Transfer Toolbox: Tools and Tips for Transfer Student Success
Crystal Anderson
Virginia Beach
2:30 pm Break
2:45 pm SESSION 4
Advising Assessment-Results from 2012-13 and Plan for 2013-14
Sandy Waters, Tisha Paredes
Hampton/Newport News


Communication, Hope and Habits: Foundations of Engagement

Dr. Tom Socha
Department of Communication
2012 NACADA National Outstanding Faculty Advisor

Study Abroad Opportunities at ODU
Michael Dean and Rachel Spence
Office of Study Abroad
Advising for the Long Run: Retention through Engagement
Dr. Scott Sechrist
Nuclear Medicine Technology
New Technology to Aid Advisors and Students -- What's in the Works at ODU
Sandra Waters, Advising and Transfer Programs
Purshara Kiraly, Enrollment Management
Regional Education Centers: Engaging Students Beyond Main Campus
Daniela Cigularova, Susan Nottingham, Stacy Dabney
Regional Higher Education Centers
Developing a Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Advising
Dr. Tisha Paredes
Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
Undergraduate Research Opportunities: A Roundtable
Dr. Dave Gauthier
Department of Biological Sciences
Using Adobe Connect for Academic Advising
Kirk Dewyea and Terri Wheaton
Office of Distance Learning
Engaging Students through ODU Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs
Janice Hawkins
Department of Nursing
Lost in the Maze: Helping Transfer Students Successfully Navigate ODU
Crystal Anderson
Transfer Advising and Articulations
Engaging Working Professionals
Deanne Kroner
Office of Distance Learning
Encouraging Student Engagement through the use of Electronic Portfolios
Jennifer Younkin
Department of Psychology
Who Are Our Students? Implications for Recruitment and Retention
Dr. Ellen Neufeldt, Jane Dane, Dr. Scott Harrison
Student Engagement and Enrollment Services

Morning Address: Dr. Scott Sechrist, Program Director for Medical Laboratory and Radiation Sciences

Keynote Address: Dr. Carol Simpson, ODU Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Presenters Presentation
Leanne White and Adrienne Giles
College of Sciences
Technology and Advising: How to Make the Two Fit
Alice Jones, Beverly Forbes, Erin Mills, Saranette Williams
Career Management Center (CMC)
Helping the Lions Discover the Jungle
Erin Colwell
Counseling Services
Supporting Student Success: How Counseling Can Assist Advisors
Jennifer Usis
College of Business
In Need of a Map? Implementing Degree Plans
Renee Olander, Daneila Cigularova, Katherine Jackson
Kyle Nicholas, Julie Manthey, Don Zeigler
Virginia Beach Higher Education Center

Lynn Waltz
Tri-Cities Center
The Role of Faculty and Staff in Advising Students at the ODU Regional Higher Education Centers: Successes and Challenges
Elizabeth Batu
ffice of the University Registrar
How Federal Law Affects Your Advising Sessions
Bobby Glisson
Office of Enrollment Management
The Transition from Military Life to Campus Life: The First Steps
G.W. Thompson and Jose Ramos
Center for Major Exploration
Climbing the Mountain of Major Exploration
Sandra Waters
Advising and Transfer Programs
Finding Work and Life Balance: Is It Possible?
Beth-Ann Dickie
Office of Educational Accessibility
Wikki-Sticks, Graph Paper and Smart Pens: The Simple Ways to Accomodate Students With Disabilities
Jose Ramos
Center for Major Exploration
Advisors Moving Forward in a Multicultural America: Must Have "Tool Kit" to Advise Hispanic and Latino/a Students
Jennifer Younkin
Department of Psychology

The Commonalities Between Advising and Teaching

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